Our town hall


Urban planning

site Service urbanismeLocal Urban Planning Plan

The commune of Lapalisse is governed by a Local Urban Planning Plan drawn up at the level of the pays de Lapalisse community of communes level since 18 June 2009. Information on the Intercommunal Local Urban Planning Plan is available on the website of the pays de Lapalisse community of communes..

Land use authorisation

Any new build and all works planned on an existing building must be covered by an authorisation application prior to being executed. Since 1st June 2011, the planning department of the community of communes of the pays de Lapalisse is in charge of delivering urban planning authorisations. All information is available on the website of the community of communes of the pays de Lapalisse.

Facade renovation

The municipality of Lapalisse has decided to allocate grants to local homeowners in certain streets of the town centre to renovate their facades. The rules of procedure relating to this were approved and can be  consulted here.

Housing aid

In partnership with the government, the ANAH (national agency for housing improvement) and the County Council of the Allier, the community of communes of the pays de Lapalisse have decided to conduct a Programmed operation of housing improvement (OPAH) across the community territory.

All information is available on the website of the community of communes of the pays de Lapalisse.

Establishments open to the public (ERP)

Establishments open to the public in pursuance of article R.123-2 of the French building regulations represent "all buildings, premises and enclosures into which people are admitted, either freely or upon payment of a fee or contribution,  or in which open meetings or meetings by invitation are held, free of charge or otherwise". Shops are included in particular.

Before commencing building or planning works on an ERP, before its opening or during operation, the owner or representative shall apply for authorisation from the town hall.

The procedure is given in the following link: www.vosdroits.service-public.fr